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There are so many ways to support your child's education at Spreckels:



Our goal is to raise $150 per child.

  • We understand that not every family at Spreckels can afford this, so we encourage families who can to sponsor another child at our school by giving extra!

  • This money will be used to pay for classroom supplies, field trip bus fare, assemblies, and more!


Join the PTA.

This is a great way to show your kids you care about their school. Meet other parents, share your ideas, and find simple ways to improve our school.

  • Your $16 fee will help us keep the PTA operating at our school. 

  • You membership means you are able to vote at PTA meetings and in PTA elections and hold PTA office.

  • You will get opportunities to volunteer for school events—but no commitment is required!



Fill out our Volunteer Interest Survey to see areas that best fit your skillset or share an idea with us. There are volunteer opportunities during the school day, at after-school events, or even on your own time at home!


Shop to Support.

You can also support Spreckels every time you shop. Click Shop to Support for more details.


Staff/Teacher Wish Lists.

This year, we had to make major cuts to our budget, which meant decreasing classroom funds and limiting them to classroom teachers. We know there are many amazing staff members who need funds to support our students and lots of supplies teachers need as well. We hope to be able to raise more money and reinstate these funds next year (with your help!), but in the meantime, you can look at the wish lists below to directly help by purchasing needed supplies directly. ​​​​


Lisa Finburgh, Speech Language Pathologist


Sara Fishman, Librarian




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